
The protection program at Rahma Worldwide aims to reduce the risks and impacts of violence towards individuals, such as coercion, deprivation and abuse in the context of humanitarian crises, by providing a package of projects specialized in prevention and dealing with marginalized groups and cases of gender-based violence, and promoting concepts of protection The child is in addition to social protection strengthening programs and programs aimed at reducing poverty, vulnerability and deprivation, by enhancing the efficiency of labor markets and social integration, which reduces people’s exposure to risks and enhances their ability to manage economic and social risks, such as unemployment, exclusion, disease and disability.

Rahma Worldwide is working to activate it within its support for the following groups (children – women – youth – people with special needs) through several steps:

  • Opening safe spaces for children, women and youth.
  • Ensuring and caring for orphans.
  • Case management, psychosocial support, and establishing referral pathways
  • Recreational and cultural activities that enhance communication skills and getting out of trauma.
  • Social assistance by transferring cash and in-kind resources to vulnerable individuals or families, including mothers of orphans, displaced persons or people with special needs.
  • Awareness sessions for women, youth and children in terms of (personal hygiene – education – self-development).


assist working women or mothers to be self reliable and able to provide a stable source of living for themselves and their children

Youth empowerment

through giving them special courses like PMP, English, office and also sponsor the ideas of kick-off projects to start their own carrier

Child/ orphans protection

pay monthly sponsershıps for orphans and supervise their education, mental and psychological status to prepare them to be good and effective members of the society
