Shelter sector is of particular importance to protect safety and dignity and preserve family and community life in light of the deterioration of living conditions and the spread of epidemics
Securing the basic necessities for shelter is a priority according to the requirements of the environment and climate (such as securing shelter, clothing, warmth), while ensuring that they are delivered by appropriate means and distributed according to need.
“Rahma” is assessing the needs as an essential step to provide shelter and non-food items in an effective, safe and dignified manner according to the following:
- Distribution of non-food baskets (hygiene items – kitchen tools)
- Urgent insurance of shelter (shelters – tents)
- Clothes – shoes
- Bedding – Blankets – Blankets
Responding to the consequences of deteriorating living conditions on the population with urgent response campaigns, including the following:
- Clothing distribution exhibitions
- Winter vouchers
- Home Supplies
- Raw materials for heating (fuel – firewood)
- Temporary shelter centers