Opening new clinics & operation rooms for the annex of Dr.Ersin Arslan Hospital

With the presence of the Director of the LDS organization, Dr. Ümit Mutlu Tiryaki, the Director of Health in Gaziantep, and Dr. Shadi Zahda, the President of Rahma Organization worldwide, in addition to the management of Rahma’s office in Turkey, new clinics and operating rooms were inaugurated in the annex building of Dr. Erkin Arslan Hospital. This significant initiative follows the extensive damage caused by the recent earthquake, resulting in the main hospital building, which catered to over a million beneficiaries, being rendered inoperable. As a result, meticulous preparations were made, resulting in the establishment of 25 diverse clinics, accompanied by 15 fully equipped operating rooms and 3 intensive care units. These collaborative efforts, coordinated by Rahma and made possible through the generous donation from the LDS organization in partnership with the Turkish Ministry of Health, mark a remarkable milestone. Rahma Organization is committed to empowering communities and providing global humanitarian assistance, particularly in areas affected by disasters, with the ultimate aim of making a positive impact and improving lives worldwide.

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