In a scene that reflects the highest values of human solidarity

Rahmet Yardımlaşma Derneği launched its largest humanitarian response campaign in Syria under the slogan “Victory Response for the People of Syria.”

On the first day of the campaign, we announced the launch of a distribution operation for 10,000 relief baskets, covering all Syrian provinces and reaching the most vulnerable families in various regions.

Additionally, the campaign supports hospitals and the healthcare sector with essential supplies to alleviate the suffering of patients and assist medical staff.

This campaign is a message of hope to all those affected, reaffirming that Syria is not alone and that compassionate hearts worldwide are united.

#TogetherForABrighterSyria #Syria #SaveLives #HopeForSyria #Hospitals #RahmaMakesADifference #VictoryResponse #Relief #HumanitarianAid

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